Why write?

I might write for myself; to organize my own thoughts, to engage in writing as a research and discovery process, to achieve a sort public presence that you can use to be credible and make connections and get people's attention later, to spread discoveries I've made and puzzle pieces I've put together so that others might benefit from them, to create a very high-fidelity shared language of references and motifs and essay backlinks so that I can point to them later to explain things, or have conversations using them as a shared foundation.

All of these are are noble reasons, and they are reasons that I write, but more than anything, I think I write in much the same way that people sing. Singing is a funny endeavor because while it is performative and social and done on stages in front of thousands, it is also meditative and introspective and often most enjoyed alone in places like a car or shower. To rely on cliche: there's something inside you that wants to get out; you feel restrained, not in equilibrium, until you express this with your breath into unstirred air or your fingers towards unmarked page.

So: some of what is written here will be that which barely escaped the drafts folder, some will be clean and polished, with melodies and refrains and supporting bass. Some will be covers of greater songs already written, or variations on the same four chords. Some have the focus on the lyrics; some on the beat, some on the drop 3/4 of the way through. Some will be written for me, or for specific friends, or for the whole world, to inspire or provoke or experiment. Some I would be content for a dozen people to enjoy them; for others I will harbor a secret hope that they will be heard for decades to come.